Monday, April 25, 2011


Hey folks. No drawing today. We're going to give one more day for Game-themed comments. A) because there aren't very many, and B) because I'm taking a Spring Break/Easter holiday!

Hippity hop! See you tomorrow!


Helene said...

Happy Easter/Spring Break! Enjoy your holiday!

Lindsay said...

Tick-attack-toe, hehe, like tic-tac-toe.

Anonymous said...

the classic evolutionary progression (fish crawling out of water, onto land, growing feet, walking upright, etc) in a series of steps illustrated as tetris pieces, starting with the O piece, and ending with the I piece...extra points if you figure out what goes in the "next" box.

hidden reader said...

The Game of Risk, except it's the little army guys rolling the dice and the game is MEGA sized and the canons actually work!